Monday, September 30, 2019

Dreams and Nightmares: Big Parts of Our Lives? Essay

Everyone sleeps. Humans, dogs, primates, rats, and the rest of earth’s inhabitants all experience the relaxing and necessary state of sleep. It appears to just be an unconscious state essential for survival; however, much more is going on than meets the eye. Sleep is accompanied by dreams, a term associated with adventures, experiences, and conflicts, which occur in one’s mind during those hours while one is fast asleep in bed. All people dream from the moment they enter this world to the day they leave, but whether or not they remember what they experienced the previous night varies. I, of course, am no exception and have dreams dating years back to my younger days that have remained in my memory. Upon waking, I recall having a confused, entertained or disturbed reaction to these dreams and even remember some of them affecting the rest of my day or just my life in general. The recent premiere of the movie Inception, a movie revolving around the dream world, has helped spark my interest into the dreams and their true purpose. I have been pondering if they have a bigger role in our lives rather than just a source of entertainment while we sleep. Prior to beginning research, my factual knowledge of dreams was quite limited to my personal experiences, as I have had my fair share of dreams as well as nightmares. I knew that dreams were usually perceived as happy and nightmares were almost always frightening experiences. Some dreams could also be interpreted for deeper meanings. Lastly, prior to researching, I knew dreams only lasted a portion of the time, and one usually had a difficult time remembering the content of the dream upon awakening. Through my research I wished to discover how people are affected by their dreams and nightmares in their behavior, mood, and their overall physical health. I also wished to know if there were any past evidences of events which happened in direct correlation to dreams. I was hopeful in finding the true meaning of dreams and how big of a role they actually have in our lives. Dreams do not come and go as they please; the period when people experience dreams is when they are peacefully sleeping. When one finally falls into a slumber, the body and mind follow a cycle through five sleep phases (Obringer). In the first phase, one is in a very light sleep where it is easy to be wakened, and as the cycle continues one falls into a deeper and deeper sleep. Up to the fourth phase, muscle activity greatly declines, breathing and heart rate slow down, and the brain sends out the slowest of the brain waves, Delta Waves. Up to this point, known as Non REM sleep, the body and mind are at basically full relaxation without experiencing rapid eye movement. The fifth phase, however, is when things seem to reverse. As the body enters the fifth stage, known as Rapid-Eye Movement, or R.E.M, the heart and breathing rate accelerate, blood pressure rises, and brain activity increases to the same level as when one is awake (Obringer). This is the period when most dreaming takes place. The body also appears to get paralyzed by an amino acid during this stage and it is suggested that â€Å"this paralysis could be nature’s way of making sure we don’t act out our dreams† (Obringer). REM was named after the movement of the eyes during this period, where the brain tells the eyes to move and scan a scene that only exists in the mind (Dement 299). One goes through this entire five-phase cycle about four or five times a night, with each dream only lasting about five to twenty minutes (Diagram Group 24). How could an event with such a short duration possibly have a big impact on our lives? Dreams have been deemed important and meaningful in our lives for thousands of years. From the Babylonians and Egyptians to the Greeks and the Romans, dreams have been believed to be of great importance. In ancient times, people believed most of the dreams to be sent from the gods and nightmares to be sent from demons (Diagram Group 4). They believed dreams helped heal the sick and injured, delivered messages and demands from the gods, and even foresaw the future (5-7). In later years, theories began to develop about the purpose of dreams. One of the most respected theories came from Sigmund Freud, a well esteemed psychologist. Freud believed that dreams serve to aid in maintaining sleep through possible disturbances: â€Å"When one is sleeping and is exposed to a disturbing stimulus, psychological processes would work to incorporate the dream into a dream rather than allow the person to be woken† (Robbins 14). For example, a loud noise in the dreamer’s environment would be morphed into thunder in a dream by the mind to keep the dreamer asleep (Robbins 14). He also claimed that dreams used symbols to show us our hidden aggressive and sexual desires (The Diagram Group 32). Others suggested that dreams showed one’s hidden ambitions and fears, one’s desire for power and one’s past memories. Everything seen in a dream is a projection of the dreamer. Despite the theory, it was clear that dreams had a purpose in life rather than just to entertain dormant minds. From the earliest moments in time, people have wakened from sleep just after going through an experience they could have sworn had actually occurred; however they had only just experienced a dream, or a series of images, sensations, ideas, and emotions occurring in the mind during sleep. As time has passed and dreams have been recorded and recalled, categories of dreams have been developed: lucid dreams, where one knows he’s dreaming; nightmares, disturbing dreams with anxiety and frightening images; recurring dreams, repeating dreams with little variation; healing dreams, dreams that affect the body; prophetic dreams, dreams seemingly to predict the future; progressive dreams, a sequence of dreams that continue over period of nights; and epic dreams, vivid dreams that one cannot ignore (Dream Moods Inc). All these dreams have the common underlying fact that â€Å"[they] reflect your own underlying thoughts and feelings†¦ and [everything] in your dreams are personal to you† (Common). Dreams have been described as links to our subconscious. It is said that the subconscious never stops taking in all the factors, events and people that affect one’s life: †¦Henry Reed talks about a higher self, or â€Å"the witness†, which watches everything we do, say feel and think. Our high self never goes to sleep, it is always awake, watching, processing and seeing things from an objective perspective as we struggle through our lives (â€Å"Dreams†). Henry Reed, a psychology professor at UCLA, used the term higher self to refer to the subconscious of the body. The body and mind may sleep, but the subconscious does not, as if analyzes everything that one saw, experienced, smelled, etc and all other aspects of a person’s life. It recognizes stress and other negative factors impacting our lives, and, as a result, dreams are created in order to help people solve problems and get on with their journey through life. The subconscious can make images and â€Å"embed symbols inside of dramatic stories† in dreams so that â€Å"you can see yourself from the inside†, and be capable of solving personal issues one may never have recognized before, or has just neglected in hopes it would go away (â€Å"Dreams†). Dreams provide valuable insight deep within oneself, and have led to affect many people’s lives upon returning to reality. Dreams experienced during the night may majorly affect people for the rest of their day once awake. Dreams revolving around the body can help in avoiding potential health problems and aid in the healing process when one is sick or grieving (Dream Moods Inc). Bodies have the capability of warning the mind through dreams that something is wrong before physical symptoms even appear, leading to many people making sudden doctor and medical appointments. Dreams also have the ability to overall heal the mind and body through a feeling of rejuvenation. Progressive and recurring dreams help people solve problems they usually do not face directly and usually try to avoid. These can also be called problem solving dreams, as they allow one to explore different options and approaches to a problem, situation or relationship. Prophetic dreams appear to show future actions and events, or provide a sneak peak, before they occur in one’s life. These have potential to greatly alter one’s actions during the day, as one may try to change the future depending on the content. Dreams, in general, also have potential in determining one’s mood for the following day. Those that cause strong emotion or feelings canâ€Å"[affect] the body†¦ practically as much as does an†¦ emotion when awake† (Walsh). A dream that causes extreme sadness can lead to one absorbing that emotion and feeling it throughout the rest of the day. Dreams are packed with symbols and metaphors that can lead to realizations of feelings deep within oneself, such as hidden feelings of being powerless, vulnerable, alone or ashamed (Pliskin 123). If one realizes the symbol and attempts to change the feelings, dreams actually can be life changing experiences. Another area dreams serve in is in the creativity department. They sometimes serve as store houses for inspiration, as The Dream Foundation says, â€Å"†¦Artists, musicians, dancers, sculptors, and inventors are able to dive deep into the source of inspiration and explore the vast reaches of their own creative potential by meeting face to face with the unconscious†. The Beatles’ popular hits ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Let It Be’, Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide, and works by artists such as Billy Joel and Beethoven are all examples of creations based off dreams. Dreams have the potential to have a very large role in determining the actions we take in life. Upon awakening, one must remember this concept: Dreams serve as the voice of our subconscious, and if it’s ignored, it may try to gain your attention in a more powerful way. A more negative and powerful type of dream is the nightmare. The word nightmare actually alludes to a night devil, who people used to believe would approach you as you were sleeping and press against your chest which caused the nightmares (Robbins 10). Of course this belief has been discredited but it has not stopped people’s lives from being greatly affected by nightmares. What exactly could be behind you having a nightmare? Well, besides the chance that you may just have a nightmare one night, there are other pre-sleep activities that may cause nightmares. A late night snack actually leads to an increase of the metabolism and also increases brain activity (WebMD). Medications and drugs may also be underlying factors, as they affect the brain in numerous and varying ways. Lastly, post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to nightmares as it causes people to relive past horrifying experiences. Nightmares are caused by many things that impact and increase brain activity, as well as just past bad memories. However, these nightmares greatly impact one’s body. They can lead to sleeping deprivation, or insomnia, as they actually make one scared to sleep because of the chance of a recurring nightmare. Sleep deprivation then leads to other medical conditions such as heart disease, depression and obesity. Due to quickened heart rate and increased blood pressure from the fear and anxiety associated with nightmares, natural death can even actually occur for those with bad heart conditions. Along with all the physical effects on the body, nightmares, just like dreams, act as warnings and have deeper meanings while analyzed. One example of a common nightmare is being in an out of control car. This may be a signal that you feel your life is hectic (Dreams Foundation). If you find a way to slow life down this type of recurring nightmare may cease. If one tries to ignore or block nightmares, the subconscious, who is behind the content of the dream, may try to â€Å"speak louder to get our attention† (Dreams Foundation). They may start affecting our waking lives in sickness, accidents, relationship difficulties or other unfortunate issues that force us to deal with the problem. Although nightmares seem very negative one must remember this concept: â€Å"An avoidance or denial approach is much like putting a band aid on a car’s blinking oil light because the light seems annoying† (Dreams Foundation). Why ignore something that can potentially change your life for the better? The information I collected on dreaming led me to conclude that dreaming is, in fact, a huge part of our lives. Dreams virtually act as the voice of our subconscious and they warn us, help us and just sometimes allow us to go on adventures that are impossible in reality. Dreams occur for our benefit. That being said, nightmares occur for our benefit as well. Despite all the negative effects nightmares may have, they, just as dreams do, provide a window into our hidden and secret problems and ambitions. The purpose of dreams is not to supply pure entertainment while asleep, but to get out suppressed feelings that can change our life for the better. I was surprised to find that dreaming actually may lead to death as some people with worse heart conditions could die from the increase in heart rate while dreaming. I was also surprised to find that many artists are inspired by what images or people they see in their dreams. Further questions I have include how our mind is able to create places and people we’ve never seen before and yet make them meaningful and familiar to us? This research has most definitely opened my eyes to what’s really going on when my eyes are closed. In the future when I dream I shall be determined to find what the meaning is to me and how it can possible change my life for the better. Dream on.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Technology is Killing Humanity

Today, our world is a lot quieter than it used to be. As a student and as a passenger of public transport, I now barely see people smiling, talking or making eye contact at schools and in public places. Finally, I realize why people rarely communicate with others now, and this kind of big issue is caused by a tiny thing that we all carry in our pockets every single day: smartphone. In conclusion, the excessive use of mobile Internet devices is killing humanity by destroying the meaningfulness of communication and human interaction.The eyes are the windows to the soul as the popular phrase. According to Quantified Impressions, a Texas-based communications analytics company, a normal adult makes eye contact between 30 and 60 percent of the time in a daily conversation, however, emotional connection is built when eye contact is made during 60-70 percent of the conversation. (Gregoire) In other words, the more eye contact, the more of a connection is made. Unfortunately, people now tend to avoid or reduce eye-contact with others because their eyes are glued to their mobile devices most of the time.According to recent estimates, the average American spends more than five hours per day using digital devices on computers and mobile devices (the number is relatively higher for those who work in front of computer screens), and another four and a half hours watching television. (Gregoire) If we assume that an average person everyday spends eight hours on sleeping, one and a half hours on transportation, eight hours on work, and four and a half hours on watching television (as the research above suggests), that person only has two hours left to do whatever he or she wants to do.Would that person spend two hours on communicating with others face to face? Seemingly, the answer is â€Å"No. † Some people may argue that mobile Internet devices actually provide more opportunities for us to communicate with our family, friends or potential friends which can bring people all over the world closer, because people now can use those social Apps such as Facebook, Tweeter and Instagram to interact with others through their smartphones anytime anywhere. Nevertheless, their opinion is totally contradictory to the fact.Instead of bringing people together, social Apps are now changing the human society into a world that is full of narcissism. Today, most people only care about the number of likes, comments and followers they have on their accounts instead of truly sharing their life experience. Unfortunately, none of us are as popular as pop stars. Therefore, people need to do extra work to earn more likes and comments, and the only way to satisfy their vanity is to keep commenting on others' posts. This kind of act can cause a vicious circle as people cannot stop making meaningless comments.Indeed, most of us are not truly interacting with others but throwing garbage to them as well as receiving garbage from them anytime anywhere. Besides using social Apps to get those so-called happiness, people have been falling in love with text messages for a long long time and there is no sign this phenomenon is fading. Even though texting is a little bit more similar to the traditional forms of communication such as writing letters or emailing, its impact to human communication is extremely negative and destructive.â€Å"Miscommunication is perhaps one of the most common, if not the most frustrating problems with Smartphones and relationships, especially when it comes to text message,† says Lindsey Chadwick, an online editorial staff. When we actually talk to a person no matter face to face or through a phone call, we can clearly understand the tone and the meaning that the person tries to express; however, a text message can confuse us or perhaps it can cause some problems between us and our friends, and this is exactly what miscommunication is.The worst thing that is caused by text messages is that our young generation's literacy is get ting worse. According to Studentfirst. com, on the 2009 NAEP Reading Test, about 26 percent of eighth graders and 27 percent of twelfth graders scored below the â€Å"basic† level, and only 32 percent of eighth graders and 38 percent of twelfth graders are at or above grade level. (Report 1) If you pay attention to the way that our teenagers text, you can find a huge difference between their own language and the normal English.Plus, a recent report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, texting ranks as the number one mode of communication among them. Kids between the ages of 12 and 17 text a median of 60 times a day — up from 50 in 2009. (Samakow) As we can see, texting has becoming a teens' daily routine. Therefore, when they get used to the way they text their friends, they will tend to apply the same thing at school. In my opinion, the only way to make people do not excessively use mobile Internet devices is to lessen or limit their opportunity to reach the I nternet. Today, we have seen more and more mobile companies offer various â€Å"unlimited†package to the mobile users in order to let them access the Internet without any constriction. However, the mobile companies should stop promoting or offering this kind of service, and they should only provide â€Å"unlimited data† package to those who really have a strong need to text or to access the Internet, such as I. T. professionals or international businessman. Moreover, if someone applies an â€Å"unlimited† package, he or she will need to provide some specific and significant information to the mobile company in order to prove that his or her case is qualified to use the package.Canceling â€Å"unlimited† package isn't enough to lessen people's opportunity to connect to the Internet because wireless signals are everywhere. Therefore, hotels, large-scale business quarter, restaurants, entertainment centers, beauty centers, gyms and information consultation s hould not provide unrestricted wifi to their customers. Instead, they could set a time limit to restrict their customers to connect to wifi network. For example, if a person's device has been connecting to wifi for 15 minutes, he or she will not be able to connect to it for the next 10 minutes.At this point, we do not have to worry too much about the mobile game addiction because nowadays most of the mobile-game companies have set an access limitation for their games to prevent their users from addiction. Lastly and most importantly, schools and guardians should spend more time on teaching their children the true meaningfulness of communication and human interaction, and teaching them how to talk or communicate with others at the same time, instead of just letting them stick with the computers and make â€Å"connection† to the â€Å"real† world. Technology is Killing Humanity Today, our world is a lot quieter than it used to be. As a student and as a passenger of public transport, I now barely see people smiling, talking or making eye contact at schools and in public places. Finally, I realize why people rarely communicate with others now, and this kind of big issue is caused by a tiny thing that we all carry in our pockets every single day: smartphone. In conclusion, the excessive use of mobile Internet devices is killing humanity by destroying the meaningfulness of communication and human interaction.The eyes are the windows to the soul as the popular phrase. According to Quantified Impressions, a Texas-based communications analytics company, a normal adult makes eye contact between 30 and 60 percent of the time in a daily conversation, however, emotional connection is built when eye contact is made during 60-70 percent of the conversation. (Gregoire) In other words, the more eye contact, the more of a connection is made. Unfortunately, people now tend to avoid or reduce eye-contact with others because their eyes are glued to their mobile devices most of the time.According to recent estimates, the average American spends more than five hours per day using digital devices on computers and mobile devices (the number is relatively higher for those who work in front of computer screens), and another four and a half hours watching television. (Gregoire) If we assume that an average person everyday spends eight hours on sleeping, one and a half hours on transportation, eight hours on work, and four and a half hours on watching television (as the research above suggests), that person only has two hours left to do whatever he or she wants to do.Would that person spend two hours on communicating with others face to face? Seemingly, the answer is â€Å"No. † Some people may argue that mobile Internet devices actually provide more opportunities for us to communicate with our family, friends or potential friends which can bring people all over the world closer, because people now can use those social Apps such as Facebook, Tweeter and Instagram to interact with others through their smartphones anytime anywhere. Nevertheless, their opinion is totally contradictory to the fact.Instead of bringing people together, social Apps are now changing the human society into a world that is full of narcissism. Today, most people only care about the number of likes, comments and followers they have on their accounts instead of truly sharing their life experience. Unfortunately, none of us are as popular as pop stars. Therefore, people need to do extra work to earn more likes and comments, and the only way to satisfy their vanity is to keep commenting on others' posts. This kind of act can cause a vicious circle as people cannot stop making meaningless comments.Indeed, most of us are not truly interacting with others but throwing garbage to them as well as receiving garbage from them anytime anywhere. Besides using social Apps to get those so-called happiness, people have been falling in love with text messages for a long long time and there is no sign this phenomenon is fading. Even though texting is a little bit more similar to the traditional forms of communication such as writing letters or emailing, its impact to human communication is extremely negative and destructive.â€Å"Miscommunication is perhaps one of the most common, if not the most frustrating problems with Smartphones and relationships, especially when it comes to text message,† says Lindsey Chadwick, an online editorial staff. When we actually talk to a person no matter face to face or through a phone call, we can clearly understand the tone and the meaning that the person tries to express; however, a text message can confuse us or perhaps it can cause some problems between us and our friends, and this is exactly what miscommunication is.The worst thing that is caused by text messages is that our young generation's literacy is get ting worse. According to Studentfirst. com, on the 2009 NAEP Reading Test, about 26 percent of eighth graders and 27 percent of twelfth graders scored below the â€Å"basic† level, and only 32 percent of eighth graders and 38 percent of twelfth graders are at or above grade level. (Report 1) If you pay attention to the way that our teenagers text, you can find a huge difference between their own language and the normal English.Plus, a recent report by the Pew Internet & American Life Project, texting ranks as the number one mode of communication among them. Kids between the ages of 12 and 17 text a median of 60 times a day — up from 50 in 2009. (Samakow) As we can see, texting has becoming a teens' daily routine. Therefore, when they get used to the way they text their friends, they will tend to apply the same thing at school. In my opinion, the only way to make people do not excessively use mobile Internet devices is to lessen or limit their opportunity to reach the I nternet. Today, we have seen more and more mobile companies offer various â€Å"unlimited†package to the mobile users in order to let them access the Internet without any constriction. However, the mobile companies should stop promoting or offering this kind of service, and they should only provide â€Å"unlimited data† package to those who really have a strong need to text or to access the Internet, such as I. T. professionals or international businessman. Moreover, if someone applies an â€Å"unlimited† package, he or she will need to provide some specific and significant information to the mobile company in order to prove that his or her case is qualified to use the package.Canceling â€Å"unlimited† package isn't enough to lessen people's opportunity to connect to the Internet because wireless signals are everywhere. Therefore, hotels, large-scale business quarter, restaurants, entertainment centers, beauty centers, gyms and information consultation s hould not provide unrestricted wifi to their customers. Instead, they could set a time limit to restrict their customers to connect to wifi network. For example, if a person's device has been connecting to wifi for 15 minutes, he or she will not be able to connect to it for the next 10 minutes.At this point, we do not have to worry too much about the mobile game addiction because nowadays most of the mobile-game companies have set an access limitation for their games to prevent their users from addiction. Lastly and most importantly, schools and guardians should spend more time on teaching their children the true meaningfulness of communication and human interaction, and teaching them how to talk or communicate with others at the same time, instead of just letting them stick with the computers and make â€Å"connection† to the â€Å"real† world.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Beta Performance Management System of HRM †Free Samples

Performance management is a concept essential in the field of human resource management involved with the continuous process of identifying, measuring and developing person performance and aligning the same with strategic goals of organizations. The executive and the middle-level management are tasked with the responsibility of making decisions in the increasingly plex and petitive pharmaceutical industry. The performance management in such organizations must be innovative, flexible, cohesive, and customer focused. In achieving his, panies need o establish a balance between customer, the organization and operating factors focused on meeting organizational goals. In this case, panies can reconfigure their performance management to reflect and deliver a real strategic and global offering for the market.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Beta Pharmaceuticals symbolizes a good state of mind which drives the business purpose of the organization aiming at making individuals feel beer from heir sicknesses. From its inception, the pany has always strived to deliver to the customers by distributing products to the drug stores as well as maintaining its production. Since establishment, the firm holds an integral leadership position in the pharmaceutical industry. We perceive enterprise as a means to the wellbeing of employees, investors, and the munity through revenues and ethical consideration in business.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The mission is the provision of innovative and quality products produced through an ethical work environment that provides benefits to the consumers and stakeholders. All the functions in the interplay are played by different individuals with several departments existing towards the improved functioning. The agencies ensure proper munication with the employees for an efficient and productive training to their employees as well as pensation matching and promoting their skills. The departments include the sales and marketing, accounts division, purchase, and maintenance division, transport and distribution, the finance and audit, lab, IT department, and the human resource department.   The units work together towards the wholesome productivity of the firm. The internal and external environments matter a lot to the productivity standards of the firm. The firm is keen in operations within the organization such as the distribution channels, goal setting, recruitment and selection, and pensation strategies towards success and petitive advantage (Cummings & Worley, 2014). The external factors to the organization such as markets, the audience, raw materials, technology, and information on the trends in pharmaceuticals department matter a lot to the organization. In response to the factors, the team carries out several activities towards increasing the performance of the workers and subsequent attraction of consumers to the product of the pany. According to Ramlall (2004), it is necessary to carry out proper appraisal training in increasing organization performance, to assess the skills and qualification of employees towards achieving the overall goals of the organization. There is a need for the employees to understand the diverse needs expressed in the appraisal for an effective use that projects the actual picture of the workers to guarantee success. In this respect, the firm offers training opportunities to the employees on the procedures followed and the need for the appraisal. Thus, it makes clear that the appraisal is for quality performance measurement aimed at identifying the weak points in the section and ing up with the results to tackling employees issues in the organization (Al Ariss, Cascio & Paauwe, 2014). At the same time, the appraisal activities aim at empowering and appreciating employees through promotions to boost their morale towards production and development. To begin with, employees are tasked with the role of conducting a self-appraisal process where each employee analyzes themselves and e out with necessary feedback on the areas for improvement as well as the strong points to enable a smooth flow in operations (Van Dooren, Bouckaert & Halligan, 2015). The appraisal form entails several aspects of measurement where an individual follows while recording the level of strength and weaknesses thus enabling the management to determine the areas for improvement. Apart from the self-appraisal provisions, the firm has the overall assessment conducted by the human resource department where the human resource department sends individuals to various areas of the operation to monitor and record the performance standards of the individuals according to their ability to deliver the goals and visions of the pany. The higher their levels and ability to achieve the same determines the extent to which an individual is beneficial to the firm. Therefore, it is important for the appraisal to be conducted in the two categories where a parison is made to determine areas up for improvement. The recruitment aspect of the firm remains petitive with the human resource department creating a pool of candidates to the selection team. The group advertises widely depending on the need for fresh employees where marketing is done on the social media, the media stations, as well as the print media and training schools to attract the best-placed persons to drive success to the firm (Buckingham & Goodall, 2015). The pany uses the external recruitment in cases where there exist limited internal options and thus utilizes advertisements, employment agency sources, and special referrals. The pany understands the important of in-sourcing as a measure to strong performance. In the process of working, employees undergo training activities where they improve their overall strengths while being watched and appraised by the human resource department. In the case of a vacancy in any of the departments, the firm first looks at the options presented by the internal team and decides whether to weigh in on the option of internal selection or the exterior option. The internal recruitment has the benefit of cost reduction since the workers already know the goals and visions of the firm thus needing little training towards the new position acquired (Knies, Boselie, Gould-Williams & Vandenabeele, 2015). At the same time, it acts as a motivation tool for the workers towards hard work leading to success and posterity.  Ã‚   The firm values the employees as vital contributors to the economy of the enterprise thus continually measure their ability in production and overall development. The first means that the firm uses involves setting the performance management goals whose indicators are well explained to the workers (Aguinis, 2013). For instance, an increase in the profitability of the firm is determined at the level of every worker to discover the standard of petence of each employee and how it achieves the productivity levels leading to a steady revenue stream (Mone & London, 2014). The firm uses seven categories while evaluation the overall performance of workers in its appraisal system. Productivity begins with the level of mitment an individual gives to an organization based on the time spent in production (Aguinis, 2013). Therefore, ing late to work says a lot about the productivity standards of individuals and their level of mitment to the same. Employees with regular lateness cases or frequent absenteeism are more unlikely to produce more to the firm (De Waal, 2013). Hence, training on the essence of observing time allocated for productivity must be done to encourage individuals towards better production and activeness in the organization. Such an issue is important to the wellbeing of the firm. The category is equally important as it measures the type and level of work done by individuals towards the overall goal of the firm. The aspects focus on the time taken in production as pared to the average requirements, mitment to work, the ability to take more hours in production, and the rate at which one meets their set targets (DeNisi & Smith, 2014). The aspects guide an assessor towards determining the level of productivity for individuals. The personal habits of individuals can either boost or decrease their performance in an organization. The category focuses on observing the patterns of people during work hours such as relaxation during work, unnecessary breaks, and the use of firm resources for personal reasons. In preventing the spread of such behaviors, it is proper to set the overall guidelines to the limit of the same in the workplace to create a positive environment for growth (Bernardin & Wiatrowski, 2013). Employees observed to be carrying out the practices ought to be reprieved and advised on the best practice that initiates change to organizations. Employees with special attributes and mitment can be assessed through a similar mirror that projects their engagement and success. The appraisal team shall carry random checks on the employees to determine their performance and level of mitment. The category is essential in establishing the performance standards of individuals when alone and in the absence of their respective supervisors. At the same time, it shall be used to assess the personal presentation such as the dressing styles, professional engagement with the clients, and public relations (Dusterhoff, Cunningham & MacGregor, 2014). Besides, it shall be used to check on their attitudes in the workplace. Poor attitudes demonstrated by workers leads to poor performance and the unlikely nature of individuals meeting their targets. The aspects are carried out on a continuous basis to cover all the areas and avoid the possibility of bias during assessment and project the actual image of individuals in the society. At the same time, it is used to ascertain the ethical levels of individuals during operations.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Employee performance measurement is used to determine an employee’s pensation, promotion, and future benefits and thus have to be done with utmost integrity and fairness. In this case, the management establishes the expected performance standards first before selecting the method to be used. According to Aggarwal & Thakur (2013), the method is ideal for the production department where it consists of a rating scale of different duties and performance standards on a rating scale of 1-5. The supervisor’s base on the performance measurement objectives stated above to rate workers according to the different categories. The ratings allow for an overall putation that indicates the level of success for the organization and the type of benefits realized through their productivity (Jenter & Kanaan, 2015). The rating scale is fair as it gives the management a true picture especially if the rating is done by different people in the organization. This, the method shall feature in the performance management. The method is useful in the organization’s performance measurement where it is used in the management positions that identify the goals of the organization and the level at which the workers in the several departments achieve their success (Javidmehr & Ebrahimpour, 2015). Another category indicates the time taken by individuals to plete tasks related to their respective duties. Here, the performance of an employee is measured against the time taken to a plish a given task within the time set by the organization.  Ã‚  Ã‚   A proper munication plan featuring direct and group munication shall be done on a departmental basis to air out the issues raised. The munication plan shall be characterized by supervisors talking directly to the workers at the group and individual level to have them understand the results of the assessment (Noe, Wilk, Mullen & Wanek, 2014). Once the human resource assesses employees within Beta Pharmaceuticals based on their skills, it shall embark on munication process where employees shall receive feedback on their performance margins to pare with their self-assessment. At this stage, each employee shall receive information from their respective supervisor based on the considerations of the results observed and have a one on one talk to air out issues for improvement (Elnaga & Imran, 2013). The performance management shall enable individual to understand their weaknesses and gain the ability to raise themselves towards the expected standards of the organization. There are cases where employees feel information bias and thus need to appeal on the results of the discussion. In such a case, the firm sets an appeal procedure to resolve the disagreements arising from the performance evaluation process. The first step granted to employees involves a written submission within one week with the employee having duly signed the document to the human resource department (Richard, 2014). In response, a member of the human resource shall conduct a confidential investigation while gathering information from the immediate supervisor and the employee through discussions and develop a r mendation to the team. The information shall be considered with the evidence given and a r mendation given within five working days to address the grievance and opt for another assessment at the management’s discretion.   In solving the performance issues raised or observed from the workers, the firm shall initiate a set of measures to address the problems to a better employee performance standard (Sung & Choi, 2014). Training is an essential way of looking into the employee issues and addressing their concerns. Aguinis (2013) suggests that the necessity of training assists in fostering success through workshops focused groups, and mentoring processes that drive knowledge and necessary skills in operation management. On the other hand, education is important, where workers demonstrating the need for development and ability can be given scholarships to respective fields and have them e back to incorporate the knowledge received to the organization (Shuck, Twyford, Reio & Shuck, 2014). At the same time, induction programs assist in fostering knowledge as well as hands-on training and mentoring processes that assist employees in determining solutions to their weak points. Morale boosting is necessary to articulate issues within the organization and ways to ove e the same. According to (Aguinis, 2013), performing employees are supposed to be appreciated through group recognition, promotion, bonuses, and improved salaries based on their performance. The step encourages the employees towards career growth where internal recruitment exists for their benefit and that of the organization (Kulkarni, 2013). All the development programs aimed at assisting individuals to focus on the goal and vision of the organization and improve the existing culture through deeper engagement and participation. The performance management at Beta Pharmaceuticals is well planned towards improving employee engagement. The different methods used to aim at giving unbiased reports on individuals with rooms existing for change in case of an appeal. In response to the evaluation, the firm has several channels of improving employee performance and development as well as a reward scheme that not only uses the monetary system but also non-monetary options touching on employee motivation. Consequently, the method if implemented successfully benefits the firm. Aguinis, H. (2013). Performance management (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN-13:9780132556385 Aggarwal, A., & Thakur, G. S. M. (2013). Techniques of performance appraisal-a review.  International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),  2(3), 617-621. Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F., & Paauwe, J. (2014). Talent management: Current theories and future research directions.  Journal of World Business,  49(2), 173-179. Bernardin, H. J., & Wiatrowski, M. (2013). Performance appraisal.  Psychology and Policing,  257. Buckingham, M., & Goodall, A. (2015). Reinventing performance management.  Harvard Business Review,  93(4), 40-50. Cummings, T. G., & Worley, C. G. (2014).  Organization development and change. Cengage learning. De Waal, A. (2013).  Strategic Performance Management: A managerial and behavioral approach. Palgrave Macmillan. DeNisi, A., & Smith, C. E. (2014). Performance appraisal, performance management, and firm-level performance: a review, a proposed model, and new directions for future research.  Academy of Management Annals,  8(1), 127-179. Dusterhoff, C., Cunningham, J. B., & MacGregor, J. N. (2014). The effects of performance rating, leader–member exchange, perceived utility, and organizational justice on performance appraisal satisfaction: Applying a moral judgment perspective.  Journal of Business Ethics,  119(2), 265-273. Elnaga, A., & Imran, A. (2013). The effect of training on employee performance.  European Journal of Business and Management,  5(4), 137-147. Javidmehr, M., & Ebrahimpour, M. (2015). Performance appraisal bias and errors: The influences and consequences.  International Journal of Organizational Leadership,  4(3), 286. Jenter, D., & Kanaan, F. (2015). CEO turnover and relative performance evaluation.  The Journal of Finance,  70(5), 2155-2184. Knies, E., Boselie, P., Gould-Williams, J., & Vandenabeele, W. (2015). Special issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management: Strategic human resource management and public sector performance. Kulkarni, P. P. (2013). A literature review on training & development and quality of work life.  Researchers World,  4(2), 136. Mone, E. M., & London, M. (2014).  Employee engagement through effective performance management: A practical guide for managers. Routledge. Noe, R. A., Wilk, S. L., Mullen, E. J., & Wanek, J. E. (2014). Employee Development: Issues in Construct Definition and Investigation ofAntecedents.  Improving Training Effectiveness in WorkOrganizations, ed. JK Ford, SWJ Kozlowski, K. Kraiger, E. Salas, and MS Teachout (Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997), 153-189. Ramlall, S. (2004). A review of employee motivation theories and their implications for employee retention within organizations.  Journal of American Academy of Business,  5(1/2), 52-63. Richard, M. A. (2014).  Employee assistance programs: Wellness/enhancement programming. Charles C Thomas Publisher. Shuck, B., Twyford, D., Reio, T. G., & Shuck, A. (2014). Human resource development practices and employee engagement: Examining the connection with employee turnover intentions.  Human Resource Development Quarterly,  25(2), 239-270. Sung, S. Y., & Choi, J. N. (2014). Do organizations spend wisely on employees? Effects of training and development investments on learning and innovation in organizations.  Journal of organizational behavior,  35(3), 393-412. Van Dooren, W., Bouckaert, G., & Halligan, J. (2015).  Performance management in the public sector. Routledge.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Curriculum Trends Paper [Education] Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Curriculum Trends Paper [Education] - Essay Example Consequently, the academia across the world, especially the educational curriculum needs to undergo far-reaching transformation so that our children can effectively meet the needs of the changing times. The compulsions of the present times require versatility in the work ideology and functioning, thus making it imperative that new skills and strategic paradigms are evolved to meet the emerging challenges with efficiency and unmatched proficiency. The process of globalization and advancing technology which has brought about huge plethora of issues, need to be incorporated in the curricula. Education serves as the most effective platform to introduce changes within the social fabric of countries across the world. The graph shows the two years comparative of completion and persistence of post secondary students (graph 1, appendix) UNESCO has observed that â€Å"the diversity, complexity, and changing nature of basic learning needs of children, youth and adults necessitate broadening and constantly redefining the scope of basic education† (UNESCO, 1995). Four major factors have been identified that have major impact on the society and the incorporation of strategic flexibility i n the curricula is expected to facilitate the wide ranging ramifications of these factors. In the next ten years, the curriculum is expected to incorporate the following changes within its strategic goals and objectives. Globalization has brought together people from different cultures, religion, nation and races. The need to evolve common values and collective goals for societies so that people from diverse fields comprising different race, religion, color and culture may coexist in relative harmony and mutual cooperation has become imperative. The table indicates gender wise ethnic diversity in United State (table 1, appendix). Huntington reflects that â€Å"the great divisions among humankind and the dominating source of conflict will be cultural†(Huntington, 1993). Some of the negative

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Business - Incentive Plans Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business - Incentive Plans - Term Paper Example Indeed, the distinctive challenges faced by the U.S. Army in terms of human resource management have drawn academic attention to how it manages its own incentive programs in sometimes very risky environments. In addition, how an organization structures its incentives is very informative of how that organization expects its employees to respond to rewards and punishments in carrying out the group’s objectives. In the case of the U.S. Army, the group’s objectives are to provide prompt national defense and sustaining land dominance across a spectrum of conflicts (U.S. Army, 2005). Incentive programs in the U.S. Army must then mobilize and encourage soldiers to take part in armed conflicts when necessary as a matter of maintaining the national defense. Because of the nature of employment in the U.S. Army, incentive programs must be based on which geopolitical areas are desirable and which are undesirable to employees. One particularly interesting incentive program that the U.S. Army employs is the Targeted Selective Reenlistment Program. Under this program, soldiers with a low cost of serving in an undesirable location accept a bonus and are sent to an undesirable location; on the other side, soldiers with a high cost of serving in an undesirable location reenlist but decline the bonus. ... equires a significantly large workforce concentrated into small geographic areas, relatively low-skilled employees are ultimately necessary for maintaining organizational infrastructure in achieving desired outcomes. Although the TSRB program does not affect high-demand skill employees, lower-level Army employees receive a direct benefit and, from a personnel management perspective, it is these areas in the organizational hierarchy that the Army has the most difficult with in terms of employee turnover. The U.S. Army also faces a unique human resources management challenge insofar as the Army incentivizes referrals to join the organization. Even though there might be a challenge recruiting qualified talent, most for-profit and nonprofit organizations, facing labor surpluses, do not need to incentivize referrals. In 2009, the U.S. Army discontinued an incentive program that gave $2,000 to any soldier who referred new recruits into enlistment (ArmyTimes, 2009). Facing budget cuts, the Army was unable to continue the program, along with many other incentive structures that were slashed in the face of growing criticism of defense spending. Based on the suspension of the referral program, one can say that the U.S. Army no longer offers a viable incentive structure for soldiers to pull other qualified individuals into service. Given the organizational objectives the Army aims to achieve, and the large workforce that it requires to achieve those objectives, it is a weakness not being able to attract more talented individuals to its ranks through referrals. According to Crispin and Mehler (2011), 27.5% of hires in organizations are attributable to referrals. It is not clear how much of this potential the U.S. Army is losing by not having a stable employee referral program that

First Exam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

First Exam - Essay Example Usage of alcohol on private property is also somewhat legalized by some States but presence of a guardian or adult member is essential. Medical intentions, educational intentions or religious intentions also allow alcohol consumption to some extent by some States. However, all these allowances are not legal in all States but a few States only (Illinois Liquor Control Act of 1934 As Amended Through Public Act 89-0376). As per American Law, non-resident defendant could be brought to the court of law only when service of process was ensured within the territorial jurisdiction of state. Jurisdiction for an out-of-state defendant considered as extra territorial jurisdiction. A state can exercise its jurisdiction within its area of operations (Long-Arm Statute - Further Readings 2011). â€Å"Any person under the age of 21 years who presents or offers to any licensee, his or her agent or employee, any written evidence of age and identity that is false, fraudulent, or not actually his or her own for the purpose of ordering, purchasing, attempting to purchase or otherwise procuring or attempting to procure, the serving of any alcoholic beverage, who falsely states in writing that he or she is at least 21 years of age when receiving alcoholic liquor from a representative, agent, or employee of an express company, common carrier, or contract carrier, or who has in his or her possession any false or fraudulent written evidence of age and identity, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor wherein sentence of imprisonment for the guilty person varies from state to state and the persons sentence shall include, but shall not be limited to the following: If any guardian or parent of a minor allows his premises or residential area to an invitee of ward or child and in case the invitee is less than 21 years, this is categorized as breach of law and is totally illegal. Under the mentioned scenario, Mr. Adamson cannot initiate legal action against Makers

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Developing a Christian Mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Developing a Christian Mind - Essay Example However, it also means, according to Strongs Concordance (Strong 7965), completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom is a blessing (The Refiners Fire). There are three levels of Christian relationship. We are called to be in relationship with God, with God’s creation, and with others (Lowe and Claiborne). Our relationship with God is the most basic and critical. That relationship was a gift to us, through Jesus, the life-giver. When Jesus ascended to heaven, he left us the Holy Spirit, so that his ministry is still alive, still dynamic, still with us. By tuning into the leading of the Holy Spirit, and responding to that leading, we can stay within God’s plan for our lives. In that way, God is not something far away and external to us, but is internal and immediate. This is the deepest source of peace, of wholeness, completeness, health, welfare, safety, soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, the absence of agitation or discord. Shalom is God’s blessing. What that looks like, in operation, is that a Christian reads God’s Word, prays deeply, listens to the silence in which God speaks. The peace, Shalom, shows in action, in word, in expression, in patience, in gentleness, in modesty. It shows in a Christian’s embodiment of all the virtues that lead to the other levels. The next level is a Christian’s relationship to God’s creation. Loving God and feeling his love for us, leads us to a great respect for his creation. In the flight of each flamingo, in the wing pattern of each butterfly, in the purity of snow on a mountaintop, in the startle of lightening, in the reflection of creation in the still surface of a lake, in the mist from a thundering waterfall, in the paw of a squirrel, in the whir of the hummingbird, in the strength of an ant and the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Identifying Long Term Trends SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Identifying Long Term Trends SLP - Essay Example have sufficient funds to fully invest there business in Canada, and as a result the financial managers may decide to source some funds from a financial institution. However, these funds will be associated with an interest rate set by the lender. During inflation period, the interest rates will tend to be higher, this will affect the amount of interest that will accrue to the loan borrowed (Mankiw, 2012). Financial managers of Fedex corporation should therefore, consider interest applicable before deciding where to source there funds. As an economic variable, the stock market affects FedEx Corporation, Canada’s expansion program. This is because the stock market index based on Canada’s stock exchange gives a prediction of the expected future value of stock prices. In case, there is a high value index FedEx Corporation should continue to carry out its expansion to Canada because the financial managers expect high profits as a result, of rapid economic growth accompanied b y low levels of unemployment. Financial managers need to also determine the rate of inflation in Canada before carrying out there investment. If inflation is high it then means that consumers prices will be high, and in turn will affect how they spend there money (Mankiw, 2012). If inflation is high FedEx Corporation will fix the prices of there services high, and as a result, consumers will not use the services because they cannot afford it. During inflation, it is extremely difficult for FedEx to determine how much income to generate, this is because it is difficult to determine the demand for there services at the higher prices (Mankiw, 2012). In addition, the financial managers of FedEx Corporation should focus on the trends of the real gross domestic product as it gives a measure of what the economy produces goods and services besides giving an accurate measure of changes in the price levels. In addition, the financial managers of FedEx Corporation should take into consideration the

Monday, September 23, 2019

West side story movies script analysis,comprising it with novel Essay

West side story movies script analysis,comprising it with novel - Essay Example In addition, the movie earned 9 other Oscars for best supporting actors (male and female), best director, best cinematography, best art direction, best sound, best musical score, best editing, best costumes as well as a special award for best choreography (3). The film has received further accolades such as New York Film Critics Award for best picture, Grammy Award for best sound tract, Writers’ Guild Award of America for best written musical, New York Film Critics Circle Award for best film and the Golden Globe Award for best motion picture (3). Thus, the film can be seen as a highly successful venture in terms of its appeal to the common masses as well as the strong impression it has left on both critics and evaluators of the art of cinema. The stage production of West Side Story has been premiered in Broadway during 1957, just four years before it has been adapted for the movie production in Hollywood in 1961. It is needless to mention that both forms of art differ drastically in many ways in their conventions as visual and performing arts. The most significant of such changes primarily reflect in the music composition of Bernstein, who has accurately considered different specific aspects to cater to movie format. The movie’s theme primarily encompasses the issues of immigration and gang conflicts in the US, which have been major social problems for the country for a long time. The movie has also been able to align Bernstein’s music and Robbins’ choreography so seamlessly into the plot as to enhance its intrigue and appeal rather than to distract from it. Another major consideration for the stage show has been orchestration of music scores for obvious reasons. It is needless to mention that stage shows limit the scope for using a wide range of instruments and often cannot permit on the spot corrections. On the other hand, movies

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Job stress to job performance Essay Example for Free

Job stress to job performance Essay The thesis selected for my critique which is called â€Å"A Study on Job Stress to Job Performance: Counseling as a Moderator† was written by Tseng, Yu-man in 2013. The thesis was done by a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Human Resource Management. It can be discovered on the Electronic Thesis Harvestable and Extensible System of National Sun Yat-Sen University. In this article, the overview of the thesis will be simply described followed by the critique on the research design and data analysis. A terse paragraph on the overall impressions will also be comprised with possible suggestions made in the conclusion part. Overview of the research thesis: In the thesis, the author intended to understand the relationship between job stress and job performance. According to the relationship, she explored â€Å"Is consultant a moderator between job stress and job performance. † She also examined â€Å"Is the personal demographic information as an obvious difference between job stress and job performance. † Quantitative method was applied and data was collected from the questionnaire survey. Furthermore, the thesis used some statistic method in this research, such as conducting the poll through questionnaires, factor analysis, descriptive statistic, T test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis. However, unfortunately, there is no information to demonstrate if the consultant as a moderator between job stress and job performance. The author suggested backward researcher can apply ink to paper or depth interview more when doing questionnaire design. The results indicated that: 1. Job stress and job performance have statistically negative relationship. 2. There is no answer about if the consultant as a moderator between job stress and job performance. No one has the experience of seeking the consultant in the retrieved questionnaire materials. Therefore, it is unable to learn if the consultant as a moderator between job stress and job performance. 3. Marriage has an influential effect in the relationship between job stress and job performance. Other personal demographic information, such as gender, age, schooling record, seniority and current position within company, do not have significant difference in the relationship between job stress and job performance. Critique of the research design: (a) Problem statement/ introduction part: The introduction part consists of the pressures among our daily life and how it affects us to become stressful that threaten our lives. This is because there are differences between pressures and stresses. Pressures come from external, but stresses generate from internal. The author states particularly and precisely the causal relationships of pressures and stresses. First, she brought out a concept that suicide is a serious philosophic problem. It leads out another concept that â€Å"Should we struggle to survive? † Then, she used lots of instances for demonstration. Lastly, she said there will be less ill effects if we have moderate ways to relax when we have pressures and stresses. The author seems to have missed out specifying what the right behaviors are for releasing our pressures and stresses. This is noteworthy to tell the readers that some people relax in bad behaviors such as smoking which can produce a more aggravated problem than pressures and stresses. (b) Literature review of the study: In the literature review section of this thesis, the content is discussed systematically in the following arrangement: stress; job stress; job performance; the relationship between job stress and job performance; and consultative. The literatures represented exhaustive and related to the themes of study. The literature reviews have a few strengths that help the readers understand the contents easily. The contents described deeply with different types of diagrams appropriately. For example, it mentioned the scholars have lots of views in different years, it shows there are frequent changes in the definitions of the terms each year. Moreover, it used descriptive statistic to analyze the factors precisely. However, there are some improvements needed in the areas. It seems to be a little bit unbalanced in defining all the terms. Here are some suggestions for improvement. First, it depicted a lot in each factor of stress, job stress and job performance. The thesis is mainly focused on the relationship between job stress and job performance, but the literature reviews depicted the relationship in a very simple manner. There should be more information with instances to analyze the relationship. Therefore, the reliability of the investigation will be increased and the persuasiveness will also be enhanced. (c) Methodology of the study: The research was to investigate the practical states of the variables among the research subjects. The research subjects are the employees of manufacturing and service industry. Therefore, the author used a questionnaires method to handle the research. Firstly, she constructed the research frameworks. Secondly, she set up the research assumptions after the research frameworks. She also confirms the operational definitions and ponders what should be used as the instrument. In the first phrase, the research frameworks set up a framework of the relation between job stress and job performance, also with the other factor of counseling. Then, the research assumptions set up two assumptions as the relativity assumption and diverseness assumption. For the relativity assumption, the author assumed that there is an obvious correlation and consultant as a moderator has an influential effect in the relationship between job stress and job performance. For the diverseness assumption, the author assumed that sex, age, marriage, level of education, years of service and current duty have variant effect in the relationship between job stress and job performance. In the second phrase, the research design has used factor analysis, correlation analysis and regression analysis in operational definition, job stress measurement table and job performance measurement table among job stress, job performance and counseling. For job stress, the author used Strees’s theory (1988) which believes a person will have job stress when facing some threats from job. Also, she used the measurement table with 32 questions in 5-point likert scale: always, often, sometimes, seldom and never, published by Institute of Occupational Safety and Health in Council of Labor Affairs in 1995 to measure. For job performance, the author used Campbell’s theory (1987) which believes that job performance related to the process when a person who has the willingness to help the organization to accomplish the goals. Moreover, she used the measurement table with 24 questions in 5-point likert scale: very agree, agree, no opinion, disagree and very disagree, adopted from Yu Dak Shing’s translation with minor amendments that published by Motowidlo Van Scotter (1994) Task Performance Questionnaire the Task Performance Questionnaire (TPQ) and contextual performance questionnaire (Contextual Performance Questionnaire, CPQ) to measure. For counseling, the author defined it in a psychological perspective that a person will use the personal information to understand himself or herself and make improvements in adapting to the new environments. In addition, she used a revised measurement table with reference to Taiwan Tobacco Liquor Corporation. However, it is a doubt whether the research design can obtain the results clearly and reliably. This is because the measurement tables do not show an obvious correlation between job stress and job performance. This will make up some errors. Moreover, the author does not mention the amounts of research subjects. To increase the reliability and preciseness, the author should mention the amounts of research subjects and its responsiveness. Also, she should find more references for making the measurement table in an obvious relationship. (d) Discussion and Conclusion of the Study: In the discussion section, results were interpreted and possible explanations were given. The significance of the investigations is very low because the sample size is restricted. This has been substantiated by the researcher’s discussion that most of the factors (job stress and job performance) do not consist of any correlation with counseling. The researcher should ameliorate the methodology especially sampling. The conclusion was highly dwelt as the researcher defined it into 6 parts of different data. However, most of them did not show any correlation with each other. Therefore, the researcher’s efforts were useless. Conclusion: Overall, this research study gives us a good view on the current situation of the extent on â€Å"Job Stress to Job Performance: Counseling as a Moderator† in Taiwan. It provides extended review on both international and local literatures. The data and analysis were represented in a systematic and intelligible way so that readers can effortlessly comprehend. However, the collected data involved a broad range of different factors for examining the effects in the relationship. It should be expressed more clearly in some definitions. Otherwise, the meaning of the sentence may sometimes confuse people‘s understanding. Reference: Tseng, Yu-man (2009). A Study on Job Stress to Job Performance:Counseling as a Moderator. Taiwan: National Sun Yat-sen University, Retrieved April 1, 2013, from eThesys: http://etd. lib. nsysu. edu. tw/ETD-db/ETD-search-c/view_etd? URN=etd-1103109-054940 Cooper, C. L. , Sloan, S. J. S. Williams, (1988). Occupational stress indicator management guide, Windsor, NFER-Nelson. Brian Seaward, Job stress

Friday, September 20, 2019

Mass Media And Youth Culture Criminology Essay

Mass Media And Youth Culture Criminology Essay Mass media plays an important role in shaping youth culture. As we all know, the Internet, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and other forms of mass media have been integrated into the lives of youths today. The Internet provides a powerful platform for the youths to learn more about what is happening around the world. However, the mass amount of information that it distributes may be both positive and negative to the youths. Not too long ago, Teen who stared at group slashed to death (The Star/Asia News, November 02, 2010, p.1) made its way to the headlines which threw Singapores public security into jeopardy. The display of physical aggression is what causes moral decay in youths nowadays. Domestic violence and peer pressure are the key factors in influencing the youths to display signs of physical aggression while the Internet only plays a minor part. In this essay, I further expound on how the Internet, domestic violence and peer pressure can lead to physical aggression am ong youths today. Internet has widened the youths channels of absorbing information and knowledge, but it includes decadent information which may eventually spread violence among youths. Website such as YouTube, a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos, allows youth to come into contact with videos containing violent acts easily. (Hopkins, J. 2006.) Online video games also play a significant role in influencing the youths to develop violent behavior. For example, Counter-Strike, one of the so-called killers games where the gamer plays through the eyes of a heavily armed character and kills as many enemies as possible. The display of violence in the game such as using a knife to stab the head of an enemy can be imitated by youths to kill relentlessly. The outburst of sources containing violence from various means has intensified the juvenile crime situation, causing variations in crime types, methods and results. In the 1980s, juvenile crime generally involves theft and fights. In the 2000s, juvenile crime progressed on to banded robbery, major theft even disengaged murder, armed robbery, arson etc. (Georgia, 1992.) The research shows that serious criminal offences have been markedly worsen. However, the fault does not lie with the Internet, just like water can float a boat, so can it swallow the ship. The excessive amount of information involving violence distributed by the Internet plays only a minor role in guiding the youths to develop violent behavior. However, domestic violence and peer pressure plays a huge part. First of all, parents are their childrens first teacher, which is why what we are just like a mirror reflection of our parents. As the saying goes, Monkey see, monkey do. If a parent is violent, it would not be surprising if his or her child takes after his violent nature. Therefore, domestic violence is undoubtedly the number one factor which causes youths to develop violent behavior. The domestic violence mainly refers to physical abuse. Each year, an estimated 3.3 million children are exposed to violence from their mothers, babysitters or by family members. (American Psychological Association, 1996.) Youths are highly vulnerable to fear, anxiety and pessimism if they have been witnessing family abuse or even experiencing physical abuse from their parents since they were young. Children may suffer from self-abasement or even get isolated from his peers and affect their academic results and daily life. If the situation becomes severe, there will be at a greater risk of runaway youth s or youths committing criminal acts. Youths will get the wrong message that it iss okay to abuse other people or let others hurt them. Research done by Browne and Angela (1987) shows that a third of all children who see their mothers being physically abused develop emotional problems, and that boys who see their fathers physically abuse their mothers are ten times more likely to be abusive in their future marriages. Boys who witness family violence are more likely to batter their female partners as adults, and girls who witness their mothers abuse have a higher rate of being battered as adults. These common sense observations are facts, not myths. (Ewing Charles Patrick, 1987) It is undeniable that domestic violence is the major factor which has caused the youths to develop violent behavior. Another one of the major factors that lead to teenage violence behavior will be peer pressure. Peer pressure may be especially strong during adolescence. (Kate Havelin, 2000) Teenagers at this stage are easily influenced by their peers. For example, you may decide to buy a same brand of bag that your friends have. Such behavior does not seem to exude anything, but it is a sign of getting on the bandwagon. For example, one of your friends might persuade you to join his gang after you have been bullied by someone else and that, only by being in a gang, can you take revenge. Matt Monteverde (2008) stated that youths cannot resist the temptation of peer pressure. Many youths who experienced physical abuse from their peers often worry that they may get into hot soup if they inform the teacher or parents about the abuse. We should deal with violence among youths thoroughly, or else a wrong message will be spread across to youths that Violence can be accepted. Peer pressure can cause the vi ctim to gradually believe that I should be the victim of violence and submit to humiliation. Eventually, peer pressure would worsen the situation of violence among the youths and severity of upgrades. The Internet, domestic violence and peer pressure have indeed formed a vicious circle that reinforces itself through a feedback loop. Firstly, the Internet has gradually becoming a huge platform for the young victims of domestic violence to spread and share their resentment with others. As mentioned before, that youths can easily upload, share, and view videos involving violence on website such as YouTube or Facebook. Children who view media violence are said to be more likely to have increased feelings of hostility, decreased emotional response to the portrayal of violence and injury that lead to violent behavior. The Academy of Pediatrics says More than one thousand scientific studies and reviews conclude that significant exposure to media violence increases the risk of aggressive behavior in certain children, desensitizes them to violence and makes them believe that the world is a meaner and scarier place than it is. (Aimee.T, 2003) If youths start to think that this kind of viole nce is acceptable, then these thoughts are often difficult to change in rest of their life. Then eventually can lead to domestic violence in the future. In turn, youths who experience domestic violence will use violence on their peers through imitation. Many victims were been forced to remain silent for the pain that they endured. Therefore the only simple way for them to voice out their anguish is again, through social net working sites such as Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter. Lastly, the three factors will form a vicious circle and resulting in more youths been influenced to develop violent behaviour. Eventually, why domestic violence and peer pressure are the major cause of developing violence among youths is because what they bring to the youths is only the negative impacts. The effect of domestic violence is absolutely negative towards youths. For peer pressure, although it affects youths to develop negative behaviors, the competition among the peers can be a kind of motivation power sometimes. Finally, what the Internet can benefits us are more than enough to cover the blemish it has left on developing violence among youths. For example, Dawn Smith stated (2010) Internet games can help children focus. Youths who have Attention Deficit Disorder, or ADD, can actually sit for longer periods of time to play some of their favorite games. Not only does this help them keep focus, it also teaches them patience. In fact, the Internet has plays an important role in preventing and educating people about domestic violence. The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence of USA has held a n conference in last year regarding the issue about: using online technology to advance the movement to end domestic violence. Their main goal was to let the public get to know more about domestic violence around them and learn how to stop the extension of such cases through social net working sites. By using the power of social net working sites, it became extremely easy to share and spread information to help the victims worldwide. In conclusion, the Internet plays an important role in shaping youth culture but it is not the main cause of violence among youths. This is because domestic violence and peer pressure contribute much more negative impacts that influencing the youths to develop violent behavior compare to the Internet. Therefore, I conclude that the Internet is not the main cause of developing violence among youths.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Classical Music Instruments :: essays research papers

Woodwinds: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Flute: The flute is made in the form of an open cylindrical air column about 66 cm long. Its fundamental pitch is middle C (C4) and it has a range of about three octaves to C7. Sound is produced from a flute by blowing onto a sharp edge, causing air enclosed in a tube to vibrate. The modern flute was developed by Theobald Boehm who experimented with it from 1832 to 1847, desiring to give it a bigger tone. He finally produced a parabolic (bowl-shaped) head joint attached to a cylindrical body with open-standing keys and finger pads to cover large finger holes. Since then, other minor improvements have been made. The modern flute usually has a range from middle C (C4) upward for about three octaves. In Europe flutes are often constructed of wood; silver is commonly used in the United States. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oboe: The oboe is a soprano-range, double-reed woodwind instrument of length 62 cm. Its wooden tube is distinguished by a conical bore expanding at the end into a flaring bell. The modern oboe's range extends from the B-flat below middle C (B3-flat) to the A nearly three octaves higher (A6). Sounding a fifth below the oboe is the English horn and the bass member of this family is the bassoon. A melodic instrument capable of very gentle, expressive passages, the instrument is yet said to take a large amount of air to play. The range of pressure between the softest and loudest sounds is rather small, so careful control of the pressure on the reed is necessary. Traditionally made from African Blackwood, also called grenadille, the instrument is made in three parts. The top joint has 10 holes, three of which are manipulated by the player's left hand. The bottom joint also has 10 holes, three of which the player uses with the right hand. The bell section has two hole s, covered with keys, which are not typically used by the player. Oboes are still hand made by expert craftsmen who are very secretive about the dimensions, size of aperture, etc. used in the construction. The double reed is fashioned from cane which is grown on the east coast of Spain, which is usually dried and aged for several years. The careful fashioning of the double reed is a key part of getting a fine musical sound from the instrument. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clarinet: The clarinet consists of a closed cylindrical air column with a bell-shaped opening at one end. Classical Music Instruments :: essays research papers Woodwinds: 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Flute: The flute is made in the form of an open cylindrical air column about 66 cm long. Its fundamental pitch is middle C (C4) and it has a range of about three octaves to C7. Sound is produced from a flute by blowing onto a sharp edge, causing air enclosed in a tube to vibrate. The modern flute was developed by Theobald Boehm who experimented with it from 1832 to 1847, desiring to give it a bigger tone. He finally produced a parabolic (bowl-shaped) head joint attached to a cylindrical body with open-standing keys and finger pads to cover large finger holes. Since then, other minor improvements have been made. The modern flute usually has a range from middle C (C4) upward for about three octaves. In Europe flutes are often constructed of wood; silver is commonly used in the United States. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Oboe: The oboe is a soprano-range, double-reed woodwind instrument of length 62 cm. Its wooden tube is distinguished by a conical bore expanding at the end into a flaring bell. The modern oboe's range extends from the B-flat below middle C (B3-flat) to the A nearly three octaves higher (A6). Sounding a fifth below the oboe is the English horn and the bass member of this family is the bassoon. A melodic instrument capable of very gentle, expressive passages, the instrument is yet said to take a large amount of air to play. The range of pressure between the softest and loudest sounds is rather small, so careful control of the pressure on the reed is necessary. Traditionally made from African Blackwood, also called grenadille, the instrument is made in three parts. The top joint has 10 holes, three of which are manipulated by the player's left hand. The bottom joint also has 10 holes, three of which the player uses with the right hand. The bell section has two hole s, covered with keys, which are not typically used by the player. Oboes are still hand made by expert craftsmen who are very secretive about the dimensions, size of aperture, etc. used in the construction. The double reed is fashioned from cane which is grown on the east coast of Spain, which is usually dried and aged for several years. The careful fashioning of the double reed is a key part of getting a fine musical sound from the instrument. 3.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Clarinet: The clarinet consists of a closed cylindrical air column with a bell-shaped opening at one end.

Potiki - Is Toko Maui? :: essays research papers fc

She blew his mouth and nostrils, and with two fingers lightly massaged his chest until the mucus began to drain freely. She took a pendant from her ear and put it on the blanket beside him. ‘Tokowaru-i-te-Marama. Ko Tokowaru-i-te-Marama te ingoa o tenei,’ she said. (Grace 36) The passage above comes from the book Potiki. It’s when granny Tamihana breathes life into Toko and gives him the name of her deceased brother. In Potiki, a novel written by Patricia Grace, we are introduced to a family that is given a special gift. That gift is in a form of a child named Toko. Toko isn’t any ordinary child for he knows all his past stories and has the ability to see future stories. Toko was born by Mary and is cared for by Mary’s brother Hemi and his wife Roimata. In yet another novel, there is a strong presence of mythological icons being incorporated into a book. Grace ties the legend of Maui into the character of Toko. Toko and Maui were both born prematurely. Another similarity Grace ties in with the legend of Maui is the fishing story. Maui goes out fishing with his brothers and brags that he’ll catch a bigger fish than his brothers and Toko’s fishing with his family in the lagoon and catches a big eel. Lastly, Grace links the legend of Maui’s death to Toko’s death. In Potiki, Toko enters the wharenui to bring back Manu who was sleepwalking. Instead a gunshot was heard and Toko was killed. In the legend of Maui, Maui tried to capture death by trying to crawl into the death goddess â€Å"hidden source of life† to capture her heart. A bird laughs, which woke the death goddess and closed her mouth. The teeth of the death goddess cut Maui in the center and killed him. According to Westervelt, â€Å"Maui may mean â€Å"to live,† to subsists,† and may refer to beauty and strength, or it may have the idea of â€Å"the left hand† or â€Å"turning aside. (1)† In Potiki, Grace ties in the meaning of Maui to the character Toko. In what way is the birth of Toko and Maui similar and it’s relationship with Westervelt’s definition of Maui? How is Toko’s fishing story similar with the legend of Maui pulling the island of New Zealand and its relationship with Westervelt’s definition of Maui? How is the death of Toko similar to the way Maui dies and how it relates to the definition of Maui?

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Raising the Mammoth :: Animals History Ice Age Essays

Raising the Mammoth Back in the spring of 2000, a documentary was broadcast from the scovery channel show on television, which millions tuned in to watch. This particular segment was dedicated to a recent discovery and excavation of a woolly mammoth found in the Siberian tundra of Russia. The expedition was headed by scientist, Bernard Buigues. This individual has organized over 20 different expeditions to the Siberian tundra of Russia, which made him highly qualified. Along with other colleges, Bernard successfully excavated a frozen, fully in tact, woolly mammoth that is said to be over 20,000 years old. (Head scientist: Bernard Buigues) What is a woolly mammoth? A woolly mammoth is a similar ancestor of the African and Asian elephants of today. It belongs to the same mammal classification known as proboscidenas, or mammals with long trunk like noses. Both of these breeds come from the same family tree but are distinct cousins. As you can see the woolly mammoth had fur all around it to protect it from the frigid Artic weather conditions of the ice age when it was around. These animals were travelers and like there cousins could be found in every continent besides Australia and South America. Not all looked alike but where classified together because of the trunk like nose characteristics. These animals would spend much of there time dedicated to eating and supporting their massive body weight. They were not carnivores but plant eaters. One woolly mammoth would eat up to 200 pounds of food a day to sustain it's self. It would dedicate up to 20 hours a day grazing on the fie lds and eating herbs, shrubs even parts of trees as it's diet. Because of their massive size the woolly mammoth really had no predators. Their huge tusks and ability to move with a deadly strike made them bullies of their ice age. A few would be taken down only due to old age or young lives but not as a mature adult. The woolly mammoth did live to a good age without many worries but with a huge appetite. The mammoth that was discovered in the Russian Siberian tundra was exactly this. So what is in the future for such a remarkable creature?

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Crime: Fraud and Overall White Collar Essay

â€Å"Criminal phenomenon† is known as white collar crime. White collar crime was firstly talked by Edwin H. Sutherland who was a criminologist. He defined white collar crime in a presidential meeting of the American Sociological Society. This meeting was held at the state of Philadelphia in December 1939 to 1940s. He defined white collar crime as â€Å"a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation†. (â€Å"Sutherland, 1949:9†). White collar crime includes several of examples such as illegal exploitation of employees, violation, taxes, computer crimes and many more. White collar crime is most characteristically outlined in relation of class attitudes towards those who commit it. Although these offences are penalised by the law but it’s usually considered by the courts and by sections of general public but as much as less guilty crimes are made by individuals there are generally punished by the courts. White collar crime is one of the most dangerous crimes which individuals make profit from couple of hundreds to dollars to millions of dollars and it can be carried out by only one person or a group of people. White collar offenders are normally citizens that come from high social status such as people with degrees in middles class and upper class. If a person is poor there are not most likely to commit crime. This type of crime affects everyone from the communication from business companies. Between white collar crime and street crime there is a massive impact, although white collar criminals often learn to attract less to public attention but the huge public attention attract more depending on an individual and a business. As I mention above people who commit white collar crime are more likely in the middle to upper class societies such as doctors. White collar crime occurs in many forms of ways but this doesn’t involve any physical assault on a person. The occurrences of white collar crime it causes damage to everybody who is in involved in business. A customer will able to be harmed in unplanned events which is recognised as â€Å"organised criminals†, this relates to sales of illegal products. As an overall white collar crime carries brands which are harmful than any other systems of crime. White collar crime is the highest crime to discover or to catch. Individuals that commit white collar crime in the market sections, the media find it difficult to understand because the supervision needs to be updated regularly. White collar consumers have a great deal of expectations by harming the society then other kind of crimes this is because it is â€Å"versatility†. Hazel Croall said in 2008 in the house market there were numerous of people who lost their houses which caused loads of distress in society. Many people suffered but yet white collar crime offenders who made these offences there are normally committed in a large organisations and it makes it more difficult to find these offenders. J Kelly Strader said, the media attends to simply report a minimum of incidents in white collar crime due to having enough evidence been provided. The Deceptive marketing it’s not controlled by the law but it is set as codes and standards which are weakly enforced. The value of prosecuting white collar crime is extremely high for the government to perceive a large percentage of the offenders. Electronic banking is used in the modern which links to street crime offenders, this doesn’t help it becomes worse which the offenders continue to expand to commit in certain areas. As better or worse the government began to feel pressure of the population of the offenders. White collar crime increases the funds in some areas due to crimes been made. I believe that people who are more educated in the late 20s there lean to commit more of white collar crime in technology but as statistics say that the government have has problems to keep up with white collar crime offences in money and technology. Hazel Croall and Edwin Sutherland suggested that white collar crime is still been questioned as from today but it is difficult to figure out how many problems it is causing to society. Most of the studies who study white collar crime argued in 2002 the society blamed the U. S government for the failure which enforced by the law because of the fraud offences which was committed by the street crimes. Business fraud is the most common fraud as day to day in business setting in street crimes in poor communities. As a business fraud in U. S white collar crime cost them a billions of dollars per year but as any other fraud or crimes it cost the U. S organisation a least many then billion as annually. As an average business organisation have lost a lot of millions per a year this is due to employees committing they’re own employees as frauds. Men are twice more likely to commit then women in white collar crime for example 85% of men as mangers cause more fraud in a daily then women as employees but there different types of frauds in society which are been committed by men and these are insurance fraud. An individual making a false claim to insurance companies this links into personal injury and property damage. By this way people earn more money in other words being selfish and greedy. Insurance frauds include things like compasentation claims in accidents and many more. As a insurance fraud the cost as per a year in today world it cost them the twice in the lasr century for example million billions of dollars as annually in yealy. Another common fraud is arson where as a person to a youngster start a fire on a building such as their own business to claim insurance money but in this situation people claim fraud to lie to earn more money for they own business. Credit fraud is the other common fraud committed by white collar crime, a he or she as stolen someone else is credit card by using there information. Credit card fraud causes a million of lost per year. Hazel Croal, in the U. S credit card fraud is the most common fraud a least three quarters of credit fraud has been reported of white collar crime. Why is white collar crime the most dangerous type of crime? Edwin Sutherland implied that white collar crime is most likely to suave and less fourth right but less criminals (white collar crime: the uncut version 1983). The uncut verison 1983 in white collar crime, Sutherland theory at that time was one of the best theories because it concered all types of crime. As statistics white collar crime was never included this was because his theory didn’t support the fact on upper class or business on men weather there commits more crime then women. Sutherland provided four types of evidence which supported his theory and these are personal document, diffusion of illegal practice, isolation and social disograntons. Federal Bureau, believed that white collar crime became a very large of problem to everyone, he said it was punished by the law. He said the law had no control on the hard crime as the crime got out of hand or convicted in the streets. He said it has caused effects on different people lives. Society suggested the government may have took this serious but won’t doing the job enough has it became more serious and treated communities to suffer more. Quinney (1973) outlined two denfititos of white collar cime, occupational and coporate. Occupational crime is committed by a person in occupation. Whereas corporate crime is committed by the corpatrions as a whole the crime is planned and committed for the corporation finaical gain. Reference Joyce P, Criminal justice, an introduction to crime and the criminal justice system, USA and Canada, 2006 HG, org, Global Legal Resources, assessed date 28th April 2013 http://www. hg. org/white-collar-crime. html Strander, Kelly, J Undestanding white collar crime assessed date 28th April 2013 http://www. lexisnexis. com/lawschool/study/understanding/pdf/WhiteCollarCh1. pdf Croal H, Understanding white collar crime assessed date 28th April 2013 https://www. mcgraw-hill. co. uk/openup/chapters/0335204279. pdf

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reading Response to the Maltese Falcon

Spade and Archer accepted the job apparently because they felt the pay was good and that they could earn more if hey executed the job properly. However, event that unfolded immediately afterwards made it obvious that detective Spade had gotten himself into a serious criminal case. First was the death of his partner Miles Archer, then the allegation by Lieutenant Dandy and Tom Populous that Spade is a prime suspect in the murder of his partner.In his bald to find out what happened to his partner and to clear himself of allegations of murder. Detective Spade finds out the truth about Miss Wondered whose actual name was Brigit Gaucheness's and her connection to Floyd Thirsty who was not inning away with Bride's sister, but was her acquaintance who had betrayed her and perhaps had in his possession a prized Object -the Maltese Falcon. Eventually, Spade is able to obtain the Maltese Falcon and why it was so important.Also, Spade is able to discover the reasons for which his partner was mu rdered, as well as the party responsible for the murder crime which turned out to be Burgled Gaucheness's. The Maltese Falcon turned out to be and interesting read for me, the direct style and the fact that it was not too lengthy made it a bit easy to finish it within a short time. I discovered that Dashiest Hamlet himself was once worked as an operative for the famed Pinker National Detective Agency (Marling, n. D. ). This could explain his In passion for hard-boiled detective Fulton novels.There are several reasons why I find the Maltese Falcon an interesting novel, from the plot to the fundamental theme of greed and the characterization as well as the inclusion of the well rooted stereotypical classification of women as expected in a detective fiction novel or film. Starting with the plot, the Maltese Falcon as a hard-boiled detective fiction does not spotting In the expected fast paced setting. From the point when Miss Wondered walks Into Spade and Archer's office, It was a puls ating encounter for Spade hopping getting entangled in a complicated situation.Personally, I found it a bit difficult to drop the book as I wanted to get to the end of it as quickly as possible. In this regard, I think the novel could have used a little more suspense as it was somewhat straight forward with less ambiguity. Asides from this tiny complaint from me, it was a novel I enjoyed reading. Also, I personally feel the way and manner Hamlet throws introduces readers to the characters makes it easy to connect these characters with their actions. From the opening description of Samuel Spade, one could easily anticipate the kind of character he will be. He looked rather pleasantly like a blond Satan. â€Å"(Hamlet, 1929 up. 1) This description in my view depicts Spade as a someone possesses shrewdness and will normally put self-interest first when dealing with others. A stand out character foe me is the character of Brigit Gaucheness's, for her manipulative, femme fatal nature. T his is a major stereotypical characterization of omen in most detective fiction novel and it is still very much evident in today's novel and films.Her character portrays that of a woman who will stop at nothing to achieve her aim and will use what she considers her most potent weapon (her beauty) to get other to do or give her what she wants. The character of Sam Spade the protagonist of the novel, clearly depicts someone that is greedy and places self-interest and monetary gains over every other thing. When approached by Miss Wondered to help solve a problem, Spade despite knowing the client was lying accepted the task because of the financial gain he stands to gain. He made this clear when he stated â€Å"We didn't exactly believe your story.